Roberto Cosenza is committed to keeping this website up to date and accurate. Should you nevertheless encounter anything that is incorrect or out of date, we would appreciate it if you could let us know. Please indicate where on the website you read the information. We will then look at this as soon as possible. Please send your response by email to:
We are not liable for loss as a result of inaccuracies or incompleteness, nor for loss resulting from problems caused by or inherent to the dissemination of information through the internet, such as disruptions or interruptions. When using web forms, we strive to limit the number of required fields to a minimum. For any loss suffered as a result of the use of data, advice or ideas provided by or on behalf of Roberto Cosenza via this website, Roberto Cosenza accepts no liability.
Responses and privacy inquiries submitted by email or using a web form will be treated in the same way as letters. This means that you can expect a response from us within a period of 1 month at the latest. In the case of complex requests, we will let you know within 1 month if we need a maximum of 3 months.
Any personal data you provide us with in the context of your response or request for information will only be used in accordance with our privacy statement.
Roberto Cosenza shall make every reasonable effort to protect its systems against any form of unlawful use. Roberto Cosenza shall implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to this end, taking into account, among other things, the state of the art. However, it shall not be liable for any loss whatsoever, direct and/or indirect, suffered by a user of the website, which arises as a result of the unlawful use of its systems by a third party.
Roberto Cosenza accepts no responsibility for the content of websites to which or from which a hyperlink or other reference is made. Products or services offered by third parties shall be subject to the applicable terms and conditions of those third parties.
Our employees shall make every effort to guarantee the accessibility of our website and to continuously improve it. Including for people who use special software due to a disability.
All intellectual property rights to content on this website are vested in Roberto Cosenza.
Copying, disseminating and any other use of these materials is not permitted without the written permission of Roberto Cosenza, except and only insofar as otherwise stipulated in regulations of mandatory law (such as the right to quote), unless specific content dictates otherwise.
If you have any questions or problems with the accessibility of the website, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Questo blog non rappresenta una testata giornalistica in quanto viene aggiornato senza alcuna periodicità . Non può pertanto considerarsi un prodotto editoriale ai sensi della legge n° 62 del 7.03.2001.
L’autore non è responsabile per quanto pubblicato dai lettori nei commenti ad ogni post. Verranno cancellati i commenti ritenuti offensivi o lesivi dell’immagine o dell’onorabilità di terzi, di genere spam, razzisti o che contengano dati personali non conformi al rispetto delle norme sulla Privacy.
Alcuni testi o immagini inserite in questo blog sono tratte da internet e, pertanto, considerate di pubblico dominio; qualora la loro pubblicazione violasse eventuali diritti d’autore, vogliate comunicarlo via email all’indirizzo e saranno immediatamente rimossi.
L’autore del blog non è responsabile dei siti collegati tramite link né del loro contenuto che può essere soggetto a variazioni nel tempo.
Teniamo a precisare:
Sul nostro sito vengono pubblicate informazioni che riguardano diverse tematiche sui cani e consigli sui prodotti. I contenuti presenti su hanno scopo puramente informativo e devono essere sempre verificate. Il nostro è un semplice blog di appassionati di cani e alcune delle informazioni che divulghiamo, seppur tutto il nostro impegno a fare il nostro meglio, potrebbero risultare non completamente esatte, pertanto invitiamo soprattutto se riguardano la salute e il benessere dei nostri piccoli amici di consultare sempre e comunque un veterinario.